PSHE (and RSHE) at Portsdown Primary School and Early Years

Personal Social Helath Education (PSHE) helps the children at Portsdown Primary School and Early Years to be safe, healthy and prepared for life’s opportunities. This is why it is highly valued as a subject at the school and nursery.

N:B For further information about Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE) information, please see the British Values and RSHE section of the website:

British Values and RSHE

Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):  the Nursery and Year R

PSHE in the Nursery and Year R is a key part of the ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development ’ area of the EYFS Curriculum (although there are also key links to the Physical Development; Understanding the World; and Communication and Language areas of the EYFS Curriculum).  Within the provision at Portsdown Primary School and Early Years, the children in EYFS will be supported with their wellbeing – knowing who they are, where they fit in and feeling good about themselves. They will be helped to and then help with finding solutions to conflicts and rivalries. They will also be supported to become increasingly independent in meeting their own care needs, for example, brushing teeth, using the toilet, washing and drying their hands thoroughly.

EYFS Statutory Framework

PSHE in KS1 and KS2

We use the Jigsaw scheme to support our teaching and learning in Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education, as outlined by the Department of Education guidance to schools. To find out more, please look at the documents below.

Circle time continues to be used to help develop positive relationships between children. It aims to give them the tools to engage with and listen to each other. Since the outbreak of Covid 19, mental health and wellbeing has never been more important and this is a real focus for us at Portsdown. Teachers make sure that children feel heard and that they have a voice to express freely how they are feeling. Children are encouraged to talk about their worries and concerns.

This year, the children have enjoyed a number of events and celebrations that enrich their PSHE curriculum including Inclusion Rainbow Day. We hope, with the support of our community, to build on this area this year. Below, you will find a calendar with the events we plan to celebrate in school.

If you have any additional questions or feedback or can offer your support for future events please contact the PSHE Lead – Mrs Metherell:

PSHE Overview


The Jigsaw Scheme is split into six different puzzle pieces:

  • Being Me – Autumn 1
  • Celebrating Difference – Autumn 2
  • Dreams and Goals – Spring 1
  • Healthy Me – Spring 2
  • Relationships – Summer 1
  • Changing Me – Summer 2

Please see below for an overview of each topic.

Jigsaw Parent/Carer Information

A message from Jigsaw regarding accessing information about viewing the PSHE/RSHE curriculum:

‘The Jigsaw Education Group Parent Access

We believe that parents and schools are partners in their children’s learning. [You can]… create a link that you can share with any parents who request to see the lesson planning for the current/upcoming Puzzle.

This can be used as one part of your school’s parental engagement, but we continue to recommend that schools invite parents in to share materials with them in person and explain how these are used in the classroom so that the context can be fully explained and any questions and concerns can be addressed clearly and quickly.

It is important that this link is only shared with individual parents who have requested access, and only as part of your school’s agreed policy and approach to this area of the curriculum.

It is not to be shared in newsletters, or anywhere where this can be seen by those who are not parents of the pupils in your class, due to copyright and good practice, so that you can follow up any requests with parents once they have had the time to look at the materials.

Parent Access has been designed in a way that will enable schools in England to meet the expectations set out by the Secretary of State for Education in her letter to schools in March 2023 around the sharing of published programmes used for RSHE.’

If you would like to find out more about a specific part of the PSHE/RSHE curriculum, please contact the class teacher. They will be happy to share with you the materials we use for each unit of work. Alternatively, you can request access to the online portal (please note that this access is only for the topic being taught at present).  We will also be able to photocopy the section/sections of the PSHE/RSHE curriculum you wish to read if you would prefer to do so.  Please note, in all cases, we ask that you do not share or copy the content except as authorised under copyright law.

PSHE Subject Leader Report

Anti-bullying Week and Odd Socks Day

To raise awareness of Anti-bullying week last year we celebrated by wearing odd socks! Children came to school wearing their brightest socks to remind us all that we we are all different and amazing! In class, we set up our kindness buckets where we could leave messages for each other to celebrate something special that we had noticed someone doing. Find out what we intend to do this year later in the year!


NSPCC Stay Safe, Speak Out!

We had the opportunity to work with the NSPCC to delivery an assembly and workshop to all the children to help them understand their right to stay safe. We want to ensure the children know they should speak out and be heard if they feel they need to and to be aware of ways they can get help when needed. Follow this link to find out more.

White Ribbon Day 

Black History Month

During October we celebrated Black Awareness Month in school through a range of books and talking to our history specialist in school. Each year group created a piece of work/compelted lessons  about  one of the many famous black people throughout History.  For example, Year 4 looked at Lewis Hamilton while looking at famous black sports people. The classes also learnt and performed songs that have been sung/written/performed by black artists.

You can find out more about the children’s learning in these clips and quizzes at the CBBC website.

Each classroom has their own PSHE display, as this is a focus area of learning for our school. Some displays may show breathing techniques or mindfulness, along with a range of art work showing a variety of emotions. Children are encouraged to talk about their emotions and how their bodies feel when they experience these emotions. Each display also reflects what is being taught in the PSHE curriculum for that year group. Throughout the year, pictures of such displays will be celebrated here.

PSHE documents that you may find useful

Show Racism the Red Card

10 of our children attended a ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ event at Fratton Park. They were so good at engaging with the training and thinking of ideas to bring back to school – watch this space! They were brilliant ambassadors for the school.

Black History Month