Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Inclusive, Be Safe, Be Your Best

Our Core Values


What do our values look like in School and Nursery?

Staff Feedback On Meaning Of School Values 


School’s Ethos, Vision and Values


Our School Vision and Values were created by the whole staff, children, parents and Governors throughout the Spring and Summer terms of 2022. We believe that these are just not words but a culture we aim to live by (the school’s ethos is reflected in the visions and values we uphold as a school). 


“School culture is not created by a laminated vision statement, a slogan or even policies,

but is created by what everyone does every day.”


Our Vision is for every child to love learning, be compassionate and achieve now and in the future. Working together with our communities, we will give our children roots to grow and wings to fly.


Grow Care Succeed

Our School Vision and Values are partly based around the poem below.

Roots to remind you where you’re from;

Wings to show you what you can become.

If I had two wishes, I know what they would be

I’d wish for Roots to cling to, and Wings to set me free;

Roots of inner values, like rings within a tree;

and Wings of independence to seek my destiny.

Roots to hold forever to keep me safe and strong,

To let me know you love me, when I’ve done something wrong;

To show me by example, and helps me learn to choose,

To take those actions every day to win instead of lose.

Just be there when I need you, to tell me it’s all right,

To face my fear of falling when I test my wings in flight;

Don’t make my life too easy, it’s better if I try,

And fail and get back up myself, so I can learn to fly.

If I had two wishes, and two were all I had,

And they could just be granted, by my Mum and Dad;

I wouldn’t ask for money or any shop-bought things.

The greatest gifts I’d ask for are simply Roots and Wings.

By Denis Waitley