
Inset Days: Monday 4th November 2024, Friday 14th February 2025, Friday 4th April 2025, Friday 27th June 2025


Welcome to Portsdown Nursery, a key part of Portsdown Primary School and Early Years.


Please use the drop downs on the top of the page to navigate through our pages. There are also links directly to information about the two classes, Caterpillars and Butterflies, below.


If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school’s website, please let the school office know and we will provide this to you. This will be free of charge.

"Pupils are proud of their school. They are polite, welcoming and engage well during lessons • Children make a strong start in early years. From nursery, children are well supported to gain confidence and independence • The school has taken decisive action to improve the educational outcomes of its pupils • Pupils are respectful of difference, including race and faith. They describe the school as a place of ‘equality and fairness.’ The school helps prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. • Across the wider subjects, the school has planned a broad and well-sequenced curriculum which rightly places high importance on developing pupils’ vocabulary"
From last Ofsted Report March 2024