Welcome to Portsdown Primary School & Early Years
On behalf of the governors and staff, I would like to welcome you to the Portsdown Primary School and Early Years website. I hope you find the information helpful and that it gives you a taste of the happy, industrious school that we are. You will be able to find additional information on our main school and Nursery Facebook pages.
Our Main school video can be found here: Main School video
The video for our Nursery can be found here: Nursery video
Portsdown Primary School is a fully inclusive school that caters for children aged 2 to 11, with a 9 place Communication and Interaction inclusion Centre. Our School was graded Good in May 2018 by Ofsted who reported that Welfare and Early Years provision was Outstanding. We are very proud to have achieved such a good Ofsted report but also are aware that this was a few years ago and we want to improve even further.
The school promotes the best possible academic, cultural and moral values in a compassionate environment. All our children, regardless of background, culture, religious belief or ability, are equally valued, supported and challenged. I believe the success of Portsdown is built on strong relationships between everyone involved. Whether you are a parent, a carer, a child, a staff member or an interested member of our community, your views and opinions are valued.
We will try to keep this website as up to date as possible. If you notice anything which needs altering please let us know.
If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website, please let us know and we can provide this to you free of charge.
Mr A Vaghela