Financial Information  

The following link will take you to the School’s financial Benchmarking page:

Number of staff in school with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000.

This will be reviewed annually in September.

September 2019 0
September 2020 0
September 2021 0
September 2022 0
September 2023 0
September 2024 0

Union Information

No time has been taken off by staff who are Union officials in the period September 2019  to September 2024.


Pay gap reporting

Under the   Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, the school can voluntarily report differences in pay for ethnicity and gender. However, the number of staff employed at the school would make the statistics unreliable. This position will be kept under review, particularly were more than 100  staff employed at the school.